History & Lore

About Moldavite

Mother Goddess

Moldavite has a very deep and spiritual past, being used throughout history and prehistory for its powerful and divine properties. The neolithic peoples of eastern europe began wearing moldavite at least 25,000 years ago, and wore handcrafted spiritual talismans and amulets for good fortune, fertility, spiritual development, and enlightenment. During excavations conducted by archeologists Josef Szombathy, Hugo Obermaier, And Josef Bayer in 1908, a workman named Johann Veran discovered a statue at a paleolithic site near Willendorf, a village in lower Austria. Known as the Venus of Willendorf, it was believed to be the oldest portrayal of a deity on earth. Around this time period, the name “Venus” was used to indicate an “immodest” goddess, therefore having no connection to the well known Roman goddess of the same name. The figure was hypothesized to be a fertility deity, and believed to portray the Paleolithic Magna Mater, or Great Mother Goddess of the ancient peoples who created and worshipped it. Less known discoveries here include a good number of talismans, amulets, and ritual knives crafted from moldavite. This led researchers to believe that they shared a significant link, and indicated that it was most likely sacred to the fertility goddess.

moldavite extraterrestrial crystal

The Emerald Tablet

The Tabula Smaragdina, or Emerald Tablet, was believed to be authored by none other than Hermes Trimagistus, a deified figure known by many names but referenced in almost every ancient culture.To the people of Greece, he was Hermes, the Egyptians called him Thoth, in Rome, he was called Mercury, and in the bible, he was was known as Enoch. No matter what he was called, in all of these systems of belief, he was known as the scribe of the gods, Hermes brought the wisdom of the divine to the mortals of the earth. The tablet was a condensed version of the Hermetica, and contains secret knowledge of alchemy and the Hermetic tradition. The text is believed to explain in ancient, cryptic language, the secrets of prima materia and its transmutation which were used to create the famous and sacred philosophers stone, as well as a deep understanding of the microcosmic and macrocosmic forces. This divine knowledge was said to be written on an “emerald that fell from the sky”, but many believe that it wasn’t written on an emerald, and that moldavite was used to construct this historical piece that we still strive to decode the mysteries of today. In “Decoding the Lost symbol”, recent translations from the original arabic, read, “it is fire that became our earth” as well as Isaac Newton’s translation stating “its force is entire if it become converted into earth” describing moldavite exactly. It is created through fire when the “power” or “energy” of a meteorite impacts the earth, creating a new substance through shear force. This is seen as sacred chemistry from the gods by those who study and interpret alchemy.

moldavite raw stone

Arthurian Grail Lore 

All of us at one point or another have heard stories of the Holy Grail, which is an item from Arthurian legend, combining Christian and Celtic Pagean lore. Most often referred to as a cup, this sacred object was said to bestow immortality, power, and rebirth, not unlike the Cauldron of Cerridwen. This was believed to be the vessel that Christ drank from at the last supper claiming that it contained his blood. Many believe that it is symbolic of Christ’s bloodline and a symbol for the womb, tying into the theory of the Venus of Willendorf, the Mother Goddess, being a symbol of fertility. The epic “Parzival” by Wolfram von Eschenbach clearly states that the Grail is a stone which reflects the qualities of the philosopher’s stone, with the power to heal, revive the dead, and grant immortality. The same Arthurian legends tell us that when Lucifer fell from heaven, a stone fell out of his crown as he was struck in the head by the sword of Michael the archangel.This sacred crystal was symbolic to the fall of humanity and also the key to its redemption. It is believed that this stone was fashioned into a cup or bowl by another angel that served as the cup of the last supper. Legend says that the Holy Grail was later found and given to Napoleon, who was supposedly incredibly dissatisfied to find out that it was “just a large chunk of green glass”, which describes moldavite exactly.

moldavite raw stone

Wishing Stone of Shambhala 

In Buddhist legend, the Cintamani is a legendary specimen linked to the philosopher’s stone, and said to grant wishes, which was said to have fallen from the sky in a chest. This is the inspiration for Dragon Ball anime. Tibeten lore tells of a stone originating from the constellation Orion, said to be so powerful that it was sent away to Shambhala, the mythical kingdom inside the earth, for the Lord of the Earth to own. This lord, known as Snat Kumara, assists mankind in its spiritual evolution, helping us to develop into a state of ascended enlightenment, sounding very similar to Hermes Trismegistus and the Emerald Tablet.  A high abot from the Trasilumpo lamasery allegedly entrusted a Russian artist and explorer by the name of Nicholas Roerich with a fragment of the Cintamani. Roerich speculated that the stone was moldavite, engraved in sanskrit, which he translated as “Through the stars i come. I Bring the chalice covered with the shield. Within it, I bring a treasure, the gift of Orion.” This would also tie into the stories of the Holy Grail, another cup reference.


Metaphysical Properties